Plot 168, Tsekwane Street, Mbabane
+268 2409 1000

Client Zone    Webmail    Support
[+268] 2409 1000   Plot 168, Tsekwane Street, Mbabane



This technology proceeds the latest optical fibre technology and at one stage was the go to solution for providing point to point links. This means that the associated bandwidth is exclusive for personal and business use.

For enquiries contact or call 2409 1000

Package Options

All our Leased Line offer the following options:

Sharing Ratio 1:1
Email Addresses unlimited
Data Limit unlimited
Domain Name (.sz) 250.00 per annum
Website Optional
IP Addresses (static) 2 (/30 bits)
Bandwidth unShaped and committed

The monthly service cost will be a cumalitive of the line rental cost plus the bandwidth cost. The installation cost are once-off. Should your requirements be beyond 4Mbps kindly contact our Customer Services team who can assist you.

Leased Line - Line Rental Options

Leased Line Routers are available for purchase from Real Image. Real Image will typically supply Cisco based routers for use with such a service. Please contact our Sales team for assistance.

What is the difference between Leased lines & ADSL?

  • Leased Line Solution speeds are symmetrical, which means your download and upload occur at the same speeds, whereas ADSL line speeds are asymmetrical and your download speed differs to upload speed.
  • Normally the download speed can be up to two times faster than your upload speed. The leased line is priced at a fixed cost for unlimited data transiting your line whereas the ADSL is priced at a fixed cost for limited data. Although recent developments have now seen the introduction of unCapped ADSL, generally these service are subject to a Fair Usage Policy. Generally ADSL services are capped at different levels.
  • Leased Line is a direct point to point connection which means that your link is not shared on a physical DSLAM. ADSL on the other hand connects via a DSLAM which means physical ports are shared. If all ports were in use, you may find yourself unable to connect.

Here are some additional value adds of a Leased Line:

  • Uptime on Leased Line Service @ 98%
  • Leased Line monitoring is carried out at 2 levels, by SPTC data department and by Real Image Engineers
  • Leased Line is an always-on solution, no need to initiate dial up

realLeasedline®  for Home

Capped Packages

Wireless for Home Capped